To help anyone looking for EPX bicycle specifications, I've gone through my old files and pulled out this PDF catalog from 2002 which has various charts of specs in it for most of the bikes and also accessories. This is the only information I have with any specifications. Download it on the...
We haven't put up a post about a bike on eBay for quite some time, so here we go. It's a UK model Roadster, meaning it is an EP-X rather than an EPX. It even comes with the belt drive!
Check it out on the link below.
I've removed several dozen user accounts that appeared to be created by bots. There's a small chance that a valid user was deleted. Please register again if necessary. I also replaced the registration form with a new one incorporating a Google reCaptcha checkbox. Hopefully this will stop...
It's been over 11 years since the EPX forum launched and now it's time for some upgrades as both the forum and news manager have become obsolete. I've installed and configured new plugins that had facilities to import all content from the old versions. This means that everyone's...
I've just started a thread where I've decided to post some photos of my Terrashark rebuild. It's long overdue and I'm pleased to finally get around to it. Read and respond here.
I've removed a series of user accounts from the website as notifications to them were bouncing. If you find your account is no longer active, please register again and check your email.
I've upgraded the CMS and the forum plugin and have had to reset it to all default templates, which has made a mess of the nice styling I had done for the site. I'll fix it up soon. In the meantime, please report any bugs, thanks!
EPX bike enthusiast Derek Singh-Hulass mailed me this brochure a long time ago for the purposes of putting a copy up on the site for everyone to enjoy. A mere 5 years later I've finally done it! Grab the file from this blog post.
If anyone's wondering - the bikes were called EP-X in the UK and EPX everywhere else.
Asher Rios from Santa Cruz California has been crafting some much needed parts for EPX bike owners and recently added an extended shock mount for Terrasharks to his portfolio.
There are no official parts available for EPX bikes and this is the only way to get these items now. So don't miss this opportunity to get a better shock mount or some spare dérailleur hangers for your Terrashark!
Read Asher's
Spotted on ebay today is an new-ish EPX hammerhead carbon fibre hardtail frame. These are pretty uncommon and this looks quite nice, but the owner wants to sell it locall in Hawaii.